
IRON Global has powerful security and data protection solutions that give you unprecedented protection from the risks of Internet-based attacks and provides secure remote access in powerful, simple and affordable packages. IRON Global comprehensive suite of professional services protect your network security and data protection investment with the advance support and expertise you need - when you need it.

IRON Global team of expert security consultants are there to help you make the most of your IRON Global products with a variety of valuable services, including solution implementation and deployment, interoperability testing and network security analysis.

Packaged Implementation and Deployment Services

The sooner your network is fully protected, the better. So we specifically created IRON Global Implementation and Deployment Services to help you get your security products up and running as quickly and smoothly as possible. Unlike traditional consulting, these services are pre-defined, available remotely or last-mile giving you complete control over your budget and schedule. These services include:

  • Quick Deployment Service (QDS): Installation, Configuration, Testing, Tuning, custom appliance fulfillment and logistics.
  • Advance Deployment Service (ADS): Installation, Configuration, Migration, Interoperability Testing, Tuning, custom appliance fulfillment and logistics.
  • Management Staff Training (MST): Teaching your IT staff to independently manage your security and data protection solution on an on-going basis.

Consulting Services for Custom IT Projects

Enterprise networks have a whole set of unique security and data protection needs. IRON Global Custom Consulting Services provide customized, project-based consulting to meet these demands. These services include:

  • Security Assessments: Appliance examines your network, determines the security level and exposes any potential holes in firewalls, routers and other network devices. We then compile comprehensive reports that examine your internal network, analyze how it appears to perpetrators and give detailed corrective actions.
  • Security Design and Implementation: For customers, who need a comprehensive approach to network security, IRON Global evaluates overall security and then help design and implements the appropriate solutions. This includes establishing product use strategy, project implementation plan, device configuration, log and rule optimization, system monitoring, performance tuning, reporting, security incidents response enhancement, and compliance demonstrations.
  • Firewall Migration: IRON Global provides services to import your existing firewall rules and convert into new vendor firewall.
  • Dedicated Last-Mile Technical Management & Support: If your enterprise has to do more with fewer resources, IRON Global can help by stationing a highly technical engineer last-mile to augment your staff for as long as you need them. They will provide service and support for IRON Global products and solutions, will work as part of your team, managing your infrastructure and performing many important day-to-day networking activities for your company. Our last-mile engineering resources are backed up by our IRON Global support team and can provide knowledge transfer to bring your team up to speed on the new environment and technologies.